Conference Information

Welcome to the Learning from COVID 19 Conference Page

The Learning from COVID 19 conference was held online on Feb 3th, 4th, 5th, 2022. It was designed to provide a forum for the exchange of information regarding creative mental health practices that support youth and family resilience in pre and post pandemic times. Selected presentations and webinar workshops identified and demonstrated creative art therapy techniques and approaches beneficial for youth and families. Presenters and attendees from Russia and the USA were welcomed. The conference was designed for art therapists, mental health professionals, students of art therapy and mental health professions, educators, and others who serve communities, families, and youth.

Conference presentations, abstracts, and materials are available for view. 

Art Therapy in the USA and Russia

US and Russian art therapists share the belief that visual arts interventions, applied skillfully within a therapeutic relationship, have the power to improve mental health and wellbeing of those we serve. However, the development of art therapy in our countries have different histories and contexts for professional practice. Art therapy in the United States is a defined profession with established organizations and systems for accrediting educational programs, setting standards for achieving and maintaining art therapy credentials, and fostering engagement in art therapy advocacy and research nationwide. In Russia, art therapy practices are relatively new, emerging from the resurgence of mental health professions such as counseling and social work practices in the 1990’s. Currently, Russian professionals who utilize art therapy are mainly trained in related professions such as psychology and practice art therapy as a modality.

February 3, 2022
February 4, 2022
February 5, 2022


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